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Knowledge base
Getting Started
Which MacinCloud Plan Should I Choose?
Is there a trial for MacinCloud?
What can MacinCloud be used for?
Can I submit an app to the App Store with a MacinCloud server?
Access MacinCloud Managed servers through RDP client
View all 18
Web Portal
Login or Signup MacinCloud Using Your Social Accounts
Compare and choose the right plan for your needs
Pay As You Go Plan
What is MacinCloud's Pay As You Go Server Plan?
Installing software on your Pay As You Go server
Dedicated Server Plan
MacinCloud's Dedicated Server Plan
How Can I Check the Number of CPU Cores on a Mac
Unable to login with Apple ID on Dedicated Server Plan
Installing software on the Dedicated server
"the disk doesn't have enough free space" Error during Download
View all 7
Runner/Agent Plan
Getting Started with the MacinCloud Azure Agent Plan
Versions of Tools and Applications on Azure Pipeline (VSTS) Agent Plan Servers
Signing and Provisioning in VSTS "Build Xamarin.iOS Solution" Step with MacinCloud VSTS Agent
VSTS Issue: NuGet Restore and MsBuild.exe Does Not Exist
Run Unit Test Using VSTS Agent Plan
View all 10
Applications & Software
Can I sign into my Apple ID on MacinCloud Servers?
Can I sign into my Apple Developer account on MacinCloud Servers?
Where is Application Loader for Xcode 11?
Can I use Flutter on my MacinCloud Managed Server?
Pre-installed Software on MacinCloud Managed Servers
View all 25
Mac OS
Is Audio Supported with MacinCloud Servers?
MacOS Keyboard Mapping
Resolve '(App name) wants to access key "(key name)" in your keychain' alert message
Change Keyboard to non-English Layout
Where is the Mac command key?
View all 13
Managed Server Plan
MacinCloud's Managed Server Plan
Installing software on the Managed & Pay-As-You-Go server plan
Code-Signing iOS Applications with MacinCloud Managed Server Plans
Apple Silicon M1 Macs Now Available from MacinCloud
How to Install Multiple Ruby Versions on MacinCloud's Managed Server Plan
View all 14
Connection & Access
How do I connect my physical iPhone or USB device to the server?
How to use an iOS device (iPad or iPhone) to connect and use MacinCloud service
How to see fullscreen display with RDP when connecting to my MacinCloud server?
How to Connect to MacinCloud Dedicated Server using RDP
How can I upload/download/sync my files onto my MacinCloud server?
View all 11
How to Utilize a Different Xcode Version for Build Process on MacinCloud Mac Servers
Xcode Move/Resize UI-Elements in Storyboard Editor
Xcode create outlet (Ctrl+Drag)
Xcode Auto Layout Constraints
How to Unlock Mac Keychain through the Command Line
View all 6
Visual Studio & Xamarin
Configuring your Android SDK, NDK, and JDK Paths for Visual Studio with MacinCloud
Error "Xamarin.iOS version mismatch" on Visual Studio for Windows
Try to use Microsoft "remotebuild" on Managed Server but Terminal prompts Homebrew installation
Install Fastlane for Visual Studio builds
Error "An error occurred while trying to start the Broker" (Visual Studio)
View all 8
VSTS Xamarin.Android Build Error: "Error finding Android/Java SDKs"
VSTS Build Out of Memory (Builds Involving Fody)
During Android Build You Face Error Regarding "License Not Accepted"
Microsoft "remotebuild" CLI Tool
MS remotebuild Error: "Exceptions.js:25 throw error;" "One or both of required CA files ... not found"
MS remotebuild Error: "Unable to start server on port 3000. Address already in use."
What's New
General Updates
macOS Sonoma 14.7 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers
macOS Ventura 13.6.7 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers
macOS Monterey 12.7.3 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers
macOS Big Sur 11.7.10 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers
macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers
View all 6
Managed Server Updates
Xcode v15.4 Now Supported on MacinCloud Managed Servers
Vellum v3.8.2 Now Supported on MacinCloud Managed Servers
Visual Studio 2022 for Mac v17.6.13 Now Available on MacinCloud Mac Servers with M1 and M2 Processors
DropBox v210.4.4854 Now Supported on MacinCloud Managed Servers
Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Now Supported on MacinCloud Managed Servers
View all 42
Dedicated Server Updates
Xcode v15.3 Now Supported on MacinCloud Dedicated Build Servers
macOS Monterey 12.6.7 Now Supported on MacinCloud Dedicated Servers
VPN/Firewall Appliance Add-on Now Available for MacinCloud Dedicated Server Plans
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Supported on MacinCloud Dedicated Server Plans
macOS Big Sur 11.7.8 Now supported on MacinCloud Dedicated Servers.
View all 7
Web Portal Updates
Connect to your Managed/Pay-As-You-Go MacinCloud Server through the Portal
Multi-Currency and Payment Methods Now Available
Azure Build Pipeline (VSTS) Agent Server Updates
MacinCloud Azure Build (VSTS) Agent Updated to v2.150.0
Azure Build (VSTS) Agent Server is now macOS Mojave and Visual Studio for Mac v8.0.9.5
ProGuard (for Android Builds) Upgraded to v5.3.2 on VSTS Agent Servers
Billing & Accounts
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I change my login password for my MacinCloud server?
How do I reactivate my MacinCloud subscription?
I didn't get the email with my MacinCloud server login credentials
Billing & Payment
How is server usage tracked and calculated?
How can I pay using PayPal balance?
What happens if I exceed my usage limit ?
My payment keeps getting declined. What should I do?
Why do I have a monthly invoice for my Pay-As-You-Go plan?
View all 11