Please execute the following steps:
1. To sign and provision your Xamarin iOS solution, you should first upload your .p12 certificate file and .mobileprovisioning profile through our portal ( > Agents > My Agents > VSTS Agents > Actions (next to the agent) > Upload
2. Next, in your Microsoft VSTS account, "signing and provisioning" setting under the "Build Xamarin.iOS solution" step:
- Select the "identifiers" radio button.
- In the "Signing Identity" field, input "iPhone Developer" or "iPhone Distribution" depending on which signing identity you wish to use for signing.
- In the "Provisioning Profile UUID" field, input the UUID for the .mobileprovisioning file you have uploaded.
- Queue your build for signing using the specified signing and provisioning identities.
Please contact our support staff if you have specific questions regarding signing and provisioning.