The latest version of Visual Studio 2022 for Mac v17.6.13.424 is now supported on MacinCloud Managed Servers with macOS Ventura or later. This version of Visual Studio currently supports the latest version of Xamarin.iOS. Try a Mac Server with Visual Studio for Mac pre-installed by obtaining a Managed Server Plan to quickly get started! 

If you do not see the latest version of Visual Studio 2022 for Mac installed on your server, please contact our Support Help Desk to request a software update.

Also Available

  • .NET SDK v8.0.303
  • .NET SDK v7.0.317
  • .NET SDK 6.0.424
  • .NET v8 Workloads
  • .NET v7 Workloads

Xamarin.iOS Remote Build with Microsoft Visual Studio for Mac:

If you wish to utilize Xamarin's Build Host feature with MacinCloud Managed Server Plans, please select the "enable remote build port" add-on at checkout. This enables the SSH port on the Mac server account and allows Visual Studio for Windows work with the Mac account to provide remote build features. 

System Requirements:

Visual Studio 2022 is supported on macOS Ventura or later. Users will require Xcode 15.0 or later.

External Resources:

Official Visual Studio for Mac 2022 Release Notes

Visual Studio for Mac Support

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